
This is used to update the statuses of the campaigns. Multiple campaigns can be updated at a time and status for each is returned in the response array.


Parameter NameData TypeParameter TypeRequirementDescription
campaignIdsArray of IntegersbodymandatoryList of campaign Ids for whose status user wishes changed.
statusStringbodymandatoryNew status


Field NameData TypeDescription
codeIntegerResponse code. Contains an error code in case of any error.
dataArray of objectsArray of JSON objects representing the campaigns.
data.0.campaignIdStringID of the campaign.
data.0.statusStringMessage, OK in case of success. This is for specific campaign.
data.0.errorStringMessage, error message in case of errors for specific campaign.
data.0.campaignStatusStringResultant campaign status. Status might be different than what was supplied (Inactive in case of out of stock products or low rating or low balance.).
data.0.campaignSubStatusStringResultant substatus of the campaign.
statusStringOverall status message, error message in case of errors.
OK in case of success.