
Gets seller details for the email id and seller code passed in the header.


Field NameData TypeDescription
codeIntegerResponse code. Contains an error code in case of any error.
dataObjectObject containing the seller information.
data.userIdIntegerUser ID of the seller in the ads system.
data.emailStringEmail ID of the seller
data.nameStringName of the seller.
data.typeStringType of the user in ads systems. 'Seller' for sellers.
data.statusStringStatus of seller in ads system. 'Active' for those who have already logged in once. 'Inactive' for those who were pre-signed up by ops.
data.accountIdIntegerAccountID of the seller in ads systems
data.sellerCodeStringsellerCode of the seller.
data.agencyIdInteger-1 for sellers. Valid for ad agencies.
data.brandIdIntegerBrand ID in case user type is brand. NA for sellers.
data.eligibleBooleanEligibility of seller for ads. Rating must be higher than the set threshold if not overridden by the OPS.
statusStringStatus message, error message in case of errors.
OK in case of success.