
This returns the list of campaigns along with the corresponding reporting data.
Campaigns are filtered according to the statuses, supc and product name passed in the request.
Report data is returned for the date range sent in the request.


Parameter NameData TypeParameter TypeRequirementDescription
accountIdIntegerbodymandatoryAccount ID of the seller for which campaign list needs to be fetched.
statusListArray of StringsbodymandatoryList of status for which campaigns needs to fetched.
ALL/all: for all campaigns.
active/inactive/deleted/draft: for corresponding statuses
startDateLongbodymandatoryStart date from which report data is needed. In milliseconds EPOCH
endDateLongbodymandatoryEnd date from which report data is needed. In milliseconds EPOCH
supcStringbodyoptionalsupc on which to filter the campaign list.
productNameStringbodyoptionalProduct name search to filter the campaign list.
timeOutIntegerbodyoptionalTime in milliseconds for report timeout.


Field NameData TypeDescription
codeIntegerResponse code. Contains an error code in case of any error.
dataArray of objectsArray of JSON objects representing the campaigns.
data.0.idIntegerCampaign ID
data.0.campaignNameStringCampaign Name
data.0.statusStringCampaign status
data.0.impressionsIntegerNumber of ad impressions for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.clicksIntegerNumber of ad clicks for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.conversionsIntegerNumber of conversions for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.costOfInventoryFloatCost of inventory for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.numberOfOrdersIntegerNumber of orders for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.gmvIntegerGMV for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.cpaIntegerCost per aquisition for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.roiFloatRoi for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.budgetIntegerTotal budget for the campaign.
data.0.amountSpentIntegerAmount spend for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.cpcFloatAverage CPC for the campaign between start and end date sent in the request.
data.0.hiddenBooleanCampaign should be hidden from the view or not. Valid for basic campaigns.
data.0.productInfosArray of objectsList of products advertised in the campaign.
statusStringMessage, error message in case of errors.
OK in case of success.