
get seller details to create recurring campaigns and provide loan options.

ParametersData TypeDescription
recurringTypesAllowedString[]Recurring duration options allowed for the seller.
loanAmountdoubleMaximum loan amount seller is eligible to take.
totalTaxPercentagedoubleTax percentage to be applied.
minCampaignBudgetdoubleMinimum budget to set in campaigns to be created.
defaultCampaignBudgetdoubleDefault budget with which campaigns will be created.
maxAllowedCategorieslongMaximum number of categories for which campaigns will be set up.
eligibleForAdsbooleanIf the seller is eligible for ads - should have live products, should satisfy minimum rating criteria.
loanAllowedbooleanIf the seller is eligible to avail loan. Should be a new seller and no running campaigns.
userExistbooleanIf the user exists in the ads platform
anyCampaignActivebooleanWhether the seller has any active campaign
recurringEnabledbooleanif the seller has any active recurring campaign