
Creates a Product Ad Campaign for a seller for the supplied SUPCs. Once campaign is created it remains in the Draft state unless seller changes the status.


accountIdIntegerbodymandatoryAccount ID of the seller for which campaign will be created.
sellerCodeStringbodymandatorySeller Code of the seller for which campaign will be created.
supcsArray of stringsbodymandatoryList of SUPCs for which campaign needs to be created.
If null, campaign will be created without any products.


Field NameData TypeDescription
codeIntegerResponse code. Contains an error code in case of any error.
dataobjectsJSON object representing the campaign just created.
data.idIntegerCampaign ID
data.nameStringDefault campaign name
data.typeStringCampaign Type
data.start_dateLongStart time of the campaign in milliseconds (EPOCH)
data.end_dateLongEnd time of the campaign in milliseconds (EPOCH)
data.metricsStringCampaign metric, default CPC for product campaigns and CPM for banner campaigns.
data.pacingIntegerServing speed of the campaign. Integer in range 1 - 100. 1, slowest and 100, fastest.
data.audit_statusStringStatus of the campaign.
data.audit_substatusStringSub status of the campaign, applicable in case of blocked campaigns.
data.product_infosArray of ObjectsArray of products, whose SUPCs were passed in the request.
data.statusIntegerNumeric value corresponding to audit status of the campaign.
data.substatusIntegerNumeric value corresponding to audit sub status of the campaign.
data.account_idIntegerAccount ID of the seller passed in the request.
statusStringMessage, error message in case of errors.
OK in case of success.