Product Listing


Listing is the process of uploading product/catalogue details to Snapdeal. A seller’s product will be visible to buyers only once listing process is completed for that product by that seller. A seller can start listing only once onboarding process is completed.
Listing can be of two types

  1. List an existing product – to start selling a product that is already part of the Snapdeal catalogue. In this case, product details visible to buyers on the product page cannot be modified and seller need not give basic product details including images.
  2. List a new product – to start selling a product that is currently not part of the Snapdeal catalogue. In this case, all the details, needed as part of the Snapdeal rules for the corresponding categories, including product photographs are to be freshly uploaded to Snapdeal. Every product on Snapdeal will have an SUPC (Snapdeal Unique Product Code) and a seller will be able to update inventory or price only once it gets authorized to sell it using either of the above two processes.

List an existing product

To sell an existing item, one has to first identify the product/SUPC that alreadyexist in the Snapdeal Catalogue.

1)  Snapdeal Catalog Search API can be used to identify the existing product that you want to sell on Snapdeal.

2) Before deciding whether to sell this item or not, you can verify commission and other financial details using   Pre-listing financials API

3) Start selling the product by updating the required details using   Sell and existing product API

List a new product

To list a new product, seller first has to understand the attributes to be used for listing a product in a particular category. To list product in a particular category, all the attributes, compliant with the corresponding attribute rules are to be submitted to Snapdeal. Snapdeal will process this request asynchronously and will provide listing feedback at SKU level.

  1. To list a new product, first identify Product Type against which it has to be listed. Product Type is the level three entity in Snapdeal Category List. Use Categories APIs to browse through/search Snapdeal category list and to identify the corresponding Product Type.

API Details: Categories APIs :

i. Get Categories

ii. Get Children of Categories

iii.Search Categories

2) Get attributes of the identified Product Type using   Get Attributes for Category API

3) Build the required inputs set and ensure that all the validation is done based on the response of “Attributes for a Category API” in the above step

4) Verify commission and other financial details using   Pre-listing financials API

5) Upload images using   Upload Image API

6) Perform listing by uploading all the attribute details using   Listing API

7) Check status of listing using these apis:
  Feed status api
  Feed result api
  Feed result api


Note :

For all the Product Listing Apis we need to give X-Seller-Authz-Token,X-Auth-Token,clientId as Header parameters